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Juice Detox diet – the basics

The juice detox diet is the latest craze in a long line of “fad-diets”. As far back as the 1930s there have been countless fad diets. The “smoking keeps you thin” diet; the cabbage diet along with many others have followed in its wake. The juice cleanse is seen as a way to lose weight quickly and eliminate toxins. An example of this latest “liquid” diet craze involves:

  • A typical 3-day juice fast
  • Morning: lukewarm water with lemon
  • Almond/cashew milk
  • Green vegetable juice (2-3 hours between juices)
  • Green vegetable juice
  • Beet, carrot, apple juice
  • Green vegetable juice
  • Almond/cashew milk (at least 3 hours before bed)

Why do people follow the juice cleanse?

The basis for the diet is the thinking that without solid food for 12 hours or more the body will start to cleanse and excrete toxins. In reality the body is always in a natural cleansing state – we all have our own natural detoxification system – the lungs, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal (GI) tract all working to remove toxins.

Another “apparent” benefit of the diet is the lack of fibre in your diet allowing the digestive system to rest and free up energy for detoxification. Fibre plays a vital role in promoting a healthy digestive system ensuring proper gastrointestinal (GI) tract functionality. In countries with high-fibre diets diseases such as bowel cancer, diabetes and coronary heart disease are much less common than in western countries. Fibre promotes regularity and satiety making you feel fuller for longer. But I thought fruit and vegetables contain fibre? In reality the fibre content of fruit and vegetables is actually removed during the extraction process of juicing.

The result

The belief that cleansing kick starts the metabolism is the complete opposite effect of the juice cleanse, in fact the body goes into a starvation mode trying to conserve the calories and nutrient stores they have which slows down the metabolism.

The cleanse may result in the shedding of unwanted pounds – the result visible on the scales but the loss is more likely water weight and muscle weight. Potentially over time an individual could lose bone mass. Ultimately it is not a long-lasting weight loss and once the cleanse is completed and regular eating resumed the pounds will come right back! In some cases due to the famished nature of the individual they are likely to binge on sugary snacks and with a slowed metabolism the body runs out of fats to burn and starts on essential proteins.


Headaches, dizziness, fatigue and moodiness have all been identified as side effects of the diet and misconstrued as a sign of detoxification but this is rather the reflection of a poor diet lacking in enough nutrients to sustain a person – to start with you will be getting no starchy carbs with this regime so these symptoms are very likely to appear and as a result of the lack of energy comes the inability to exercise intensely.

Juice only diets can lead to spotty breakouts as opposed to the dewy skin most people hope for, hair loss instead of lustrous hair and even rotting teeth (liquid acids in the fruit attacking enamel) with prolonged usage.

The bottom-line

The juice diet is controversial and too extreme to be effective, results are short-lived and yo-yo dieting can be the result. However juicing in moderation, incorporating it into a balanced diet and exercise regime can be beneficial in supplementing vitamin needs and producing the more long-term benefits and weight-loss success.

Tips for healthier juicing in your diet

  • Use a straw when drinking to protect your teeth, don’t brush straight after consuming.
  • Juice vegetables as well as fruit – it has a lower sugar and acid content
  • Mix fruit/vegetables with oats or milk to keep you feeling fuller for longer
  • Don’t substitute a juice for a meal
  • Incorporate physical exercise with a healthy diet for optimal effect

Opening Hours

Monday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Tuesday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Wednesday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Thursday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Friday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday Closed