InBody Full Body Composition Analysis Scan

1. How do I get a flat stomach?

You can spend all day doing crunches at the gym trying to get a flat stomach, with the only result being frustration because nothing has changed. Having a flat stomach is more about body composition (the ratio of body fat to lean mass) than it is about the size of your abdominal muscles. If you want to have good abs, then up your cardio and weight training in order to burn more fat while also reducing your caloric intake. It has been said that weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise so keep that in mind next time you feel it’s ok for seconds because you worked out earlier.

2. Bingo wings? What about women this is a big problem . How do I get rid of these fat arms/triceps?

When it comes to getting rid of fat arms/triceps you cannot just isolate the muscle and wish the fat away. There is no such thing as spot reduction, otherwise known as isolating one area to burn fat a tennis player would have one arm leaner than the other However, if you eat a healthy diet aimed towards weight loss and work your arms you will lose fat and tone up the muscles in your arms so they look more defined. And ladies, don’t worry only about 1% of the female population have the genetic potential to be like a competitive bodybuilder. Men, that’s roughly 10% for you.

3.Does muscle turn into fat?

No, a muscle turning into fat is a popular myth but it holds no truth. What is actually happening when you think your muscles are turning into fat is as you become less active your muscles atrophy (shrink). When this happens your body’s metabolism slow down so you do not burn as many calories therefore you start to add new fat. It’s not muscle turning into fat, rather muscle wasting and fat being put in its place.


Running questions


How often should I run?

For beginners, I recommend two – three days a week. I also recommend alternating between running and rest days. This will give your body time to recover and adapt to the stresses you’re giving it.

How far should my runs be?

I intentionally avoid mentioning distance in this plan because if you focus on distance, you’ll likely also start focusing on speed. In the beginning, you should avoid an emphasis on speed because too fast too soon can lead to injury.

How fast should I be running?

You should be able to comfortably carry on a conversation and you should not be out of breath. This is, for some people, a hard guideline to follow because they feel as though they are running too slow. If that’s you, please remember that in the beginning part of your running career it’s vital that you focus on a pace that is comfortable. Why? Because, without getting into the science of it, running too fast too early does not build the proper cardiovascular improvements you need to be a successful runner. So, take your time and enjoy yourself!

Pauls App of the week- My fitness pal diet app

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Monday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Tuesday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Wednesday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Thursday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Friday 7 :00AM – 8:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday Closed