- Eat no later than an hour before your run to allow your body time to digest your food and avoid cramps.
- Don’t forget to make sure the muscles are warmed up correctly by using light jogs. I like to foam roll before any workout to loosen the muscles up.
- Stretch after your run. I choose gentle static stretching for after a run. Never force the stretch. fitmagazine.ie stretches
- Stay hydrated. We may be experiencing a hot spell at the moment, but even on a cool day staying hydrated will make all the difference in how you feel and how your muscles work through your run.
- Invest in a good pair of running shoes. If you are planning on doing a fair bit of running, having your gait analysis done and choosing the correct pair of trainers is essential. Over long distances, ill-fitting trainers can lead to joint, muscle and ligament injuries. My preferred choice of running shoe is Puma Faas 500.
- Don’t start too quick. It’s very easy to be caught up in the excitement of a race, especially if it’s your first, but starting slow and steady will mean the difference between being able to keep a reasonable pace and complete the race and getting out of breath in the first 20 minutes.
- Re-fuel every 30 minutes. I like gels – they are easy to carry and are absorbed quickly.
- Take a mouth full of water at every water station.
- I like to enjoy a hot bath after a 10k as it helps relax my muscles.
- Lastly, enjoy your run! Races are a great experience and a fun day out.